Killer Films to
2025 marks the 30th anniversary of a landmark title in the thriller genre, David Fincher’s “SE7EN.” A bleak and nihilistic study on sin, justice, and human depravity through the form of a detective story that influenced countless works in the thriller and neo-noir genres, “SE7EN” remains a must-watch for serial-killer film lovers (no kink-shaming here).
To celebrate this milestone, we’ve prepared a short but sweet selection of some of our favorite neo-noir/serial-killer classics, starting with a brand new restoration of Kiyoshi Kurosawa’s “CURE.” A late 90’s J-Horror cult favorite, “CURE” stars Kōji Yakusho in the role of a tortured detective having less than perfect days chasing after a vicious killer with a gruesome M.O.
Other titles in the Killer Films showcase include Jonathan Demme’s “THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS,” a chilling genre masterpiece that was awarded 5 Oscars including Best Picture and Best Actor, the unrelenting and visceral Korean revenge thriller “I SAW THE DEVIL” starring Lee Byung-hun and Choi Min-sik, and David Fincher’s “GONE GIRL,” in which Fincher expands on his thriller vocabulary with a darkly satirical look at marriage, the power of media manipulation, and the construction of identity in the digital age. Don’t miss these classics to die for!
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