The Universal Theory (Die Theorie von Allem) NC16Limited Screening

NC16. Some Nudity and Disturbing Scenes.
Directed by:
Timm Kröger
Jan Bülow, Olivia Ross, Hanns Zischler
1h 58mins
German, French, Italian, Swiss German, English

-German Film Festival-

Date: Fri 18 Oct

A magic mountain for physicists: Together with his doctoral supervisor, the young physicist Johannes Leinert travelled to a congress in the Swiss Alps in 1962. The lecture by an Iranian scientist on the subject of quantum mechanics is eagerly awaited. When the arrival of the star speaker is delayed, the illustrious company passes the time skiing and with dinner parties - and Johannes gets closer to the mysterious bar pianist Karin, who is frighteningly familiar with his childhood.

But things get even more sinister: bodies are found and vanish into thin air, one of the physicists ages in a strange way, the cloud formations above the spectacular Alpine panorama take on strange shapes, Karin disappears. Johannes begins to investigate, as well as two bizarre inspectors from the Swiss police force. In brilliant black-and-white images and peppered with reminiscences from across film history, the film tells a thriller story that is as complex as it is exciting about the space-time continuum that holds the world we know together - and perhaps others as well.

Co-presented by Goethe-Institut Singapore

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